Currently, you can choose from dozens of domain types (extensions), ranging from classic .com and .org to newer industry-specific ones like .lawyer or .shop.

Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)

These are the most common and widely used domains:

  • .com: For commercial and general use
  • .org: Originally for non-profits, now general use
  • .net: Initially for networks, now general use
  • .info: For informational sites
  • .biz: For businesses

Country Code Domains (ccTLDs)

These domains are associated with specific countries or territories:

  • .us: United States
  • .uk: United Kingdom
  • .ca: Canada
  • .au: Australia

New Domain Extensions

New domain extensions, also known as new Top-Level Domains (nTLDs), offer several advantages:

  1. Increased Customization: Provide more specific options for different industries or purposes.
  2. Greater Availability: Offer more choices when traditional domains are taken.
  3. Industry Specificity: Allow for clearer communication of your business type or offerings.

Examples of new domain extensions include:

  • Industry-specific: .lawyer, .shop, .tech
  • Geographic: .nyc, .london, .berlin
  • General: .xyz, .online, .site